Open any public GitHub repo in Codesandbox in 3 seconds

Open any public GitHub repo in Codesandbox in 3 seconds


1 min read

If you are someone who wants to quickly just lookup some code in a GitHub repository or even fork or edit it, then this is a good handy trick to know.

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NOTE: If you are not a PRO member of codesandbox then the trick will work only on Public repositories

Steps to follow (if the GIF doesn't sum it up ๐Ÿ˜œ):

STEP 1: Open any Public GitHub repository.

STEP 2: Go to the URL and append 'box' to your URL in-between 'hub' and '.com' and it will redirect to CodeSandbox.

Here's an example:

Change the GitHub URL:


And that's all you have to do!

Check out the Codesandbox docs to learn more
